5 Best Ways To Prevent Travel Sickness During Your Transfer

  1. Stay hydrated
  2. Take ginger supplements
  3. Try Dramamine or similar medication
  4. Eat something before you go
  5. Change your diet

Travel sickness can really get the better of us if we’re prone to it. For some folks, the mode of transport doesn’t matter, it’s nausea-town. For others, it genuinely only happens when we’re not in the driving seat. And lo and behold, although rare, it can even happen to drivers. So to help with what might be your 3 hours of hell to 13 days of heaven in the snow, we’ve spoken to seasoned skiers and drivers about their advice. We would recommend that you always seek proper medical advice that isn’t from a blog, of course, and this content is presented only as information for your own further research.


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Staying hydrated

Dehydration is a very real cause of travel sickness, so be sure to make sure you’re getting plenty of water before you get on the plane. Having a water bottle with you will make sure you don’t miss a beat. Drink as much as you can, starting as soon as you feel unwell. Staying hydrated in small and frequent bursts is important, as some folks may find that they also have stomach problems from travel-based anxiety or even undiagnosed claustrophobia, so it can be difficult to get fluids back up into your system quickly if you’re feeling this way. And instead of swigging fizzy drinks, try water or even fruit tea.


Taking ginger

This is something you might know about if you suffer from travel sickness. Ginger is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle for many of us – so naturally it’s an ingredient we should be packing in to our rucksacks. Ginger, in moderation, is known to aid digestion, so those who are prone to getting gassy should take care to take some time to cut out the offending foods before a trip. One of the easiest ways to do this is by taking digestive enzymes with you on your travels. We hear from unconfirmed rumours that the Ironman team keeps ginger in their first aid kit to aid nausea in the most natural way which doesn’t get in the way or alter performance. Another excellent way to treat the nauseous feeling is by taking ginger supplements. They’re supposed to be packed with anti-spasmodic properties and could help ease the pain and nausea. These won’t cure it entirely, but they’ll certainly help and boost your immune system to prevent any sickness or vomiting after a long transfer on the way to the slopes.

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Travel sickness sorted, and ready to ski?
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Taking Dramamine

It is a travel sickness pill recommended by lots of travel sick travellers and tourists – although, please always get medical advice! Some people believe that Dramamine is a “miracle” for those unfortunate enough to suffer from motion sickness, and prevent travel sickness with it. So no more queasy day trips or flights, or 4 hour long road trips punctuated by nausea – if you’re affected by it, then you’ll know all too well what a game-changer it is. If you are the type to choose to take this stuff, you don’t have to take it every time you travel – try to space it out so it works for you! If you take it every time, it can actually make the sickness worse, so be careful. This is why most will opt for taking a ginger supplement or sweets (or both!) to help with travel sickness during their flights, their transfers or even both.


Eating something before you start travelling on any transport

A little bit of food can ease your nausea – prevent travel sickness by eating 2 hours before travelling- try not to eat anything directly before you head out into transportation, be it a car or a plane. This could also help you relax later down the line when it’s time to hit the slopes and prevent any sickness from a late breakfast! A little energy boost is always appreciated. Also, a protein rich smoothie before you travel could help to settle your stomach and reduce your chances of getting a nausea-filled stomach at the ski resort. Most people with travel sickness will eat before and then try to make sure they don’t eat during the time they’re actually taking transport – which is why staying hydrated is even more important.


Changing your diet before you travel

If you’re prone to travel sickness, one of the best things you can do is change your diet. Becoming sick after you’ve eaten is often the result of food sensitivities or imbalances, so if you think that certain foods are making you sick, then switching up what you’re eating may make a difference.  If you suspect you have an intolerance to a food, simply cut it out of your diet for a few days and see if it makes a difference.  Food can affect whether you feel sick or not, so try to avoid the very foods which can commonly cause nausea during your travel (sometimes without you knowing at first) – like nuts, caffeine, red wine and dairy products. Of course, as soon as you arrive at your resort, all those ingredients are 100% a la table! It’s worth it 😉


Travel sickness sorted, and ready to ski?
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